Development of Learning Media for Microprocessor and Microcontroller Programming Techniques Using Articulate Storyline


Syawaldi Rabbani Farhattan
Delsina Faiza
Ika Parma Dewi


The researcher intends to develop Industrial Electronics Engineering learning on embedded system elements this is done to increase student motivation and effectiveness in learning, by designing applications using articulate storylane. This research uses the 4-D development model, which consists of 4 stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. the results of the validation test conducted by the validator obtained are "Very Valid", this is because the average percentage obtained from the material expert validator is 90.67%, while the average percentage obtained from the media expert validator is 92%. The results of practicality to students on learning media using articulate trorylane are 87.4%, which is stated to be "Very Practical", so that existing products in embedded system programming learning are suitable for use by students.
