Sugeno's Fuzzy Logic Implementation in Decision Making on Ph Addition and Nutrition of IoT-Based Hydroponics


Raihandra Dwi Nugraha
Ahmaddul Hadi
Yeka Hendriyani
Sandi Rahmadika


The development of Internet of Thing-based hydroponics using Fuzzy logic Sugeno is expected to be a solution to reduce dependence on staple food imports. The research aims to develop a fuzzy logic sugeno-based automatic control system to control pH and nutrients in hydroponic systems, in order to improve plant growth, and increase crop yields. This research process involves making a control device using a microcontroller and a number of sensors including PH-4502C and TDS Meter. Data from the sensors will be processed by Arduino involving Sugeno fuzzy logic to get a decision. All data will be sent to Esp32 to be forwarded to the Iot platform and data from Arduino will be executed to control the pump relay. Tool testing is only functional testing using white box testing. The results of this study show that it effectively controls pH and nutrients based on membership degrees.
